Mark Milligan | Interview

by | Nov 22, 2022

Mark Milligan
At SVGC we’re proud to be a small business formed of experienced, highly qualified people operating on a national platform. Our team collectively has vast knowledge of strategic planning, public sector decisions, innovative technologies, data science and agile working methodologies.

Get to know our Head of Delivery, Mark Milligan.

What are your ‘must haves’ to start the working day?

After making tea for Lou and I, and letting out the dogs, it is time to check the horses and muck them out. The summer months are a breeze when the horses are turned out.

What’s your proudest work achievement to date?

Leading an outstanding team of civil servants, military, and contractors in DE&S where they sustained the operational capability of 20 equipment fleets in Iraq and Afghanistan, while accelerating acquisition with UORs and achieving main gate approval for the Army’s major programmes (AJAX and WCSP).

What do you love most about what you do?

Working with great colleagues to make difficult things happen, such as developing the Digital Sensitivity Review process with FCDO Services or refining ways to accelerate defence acquisition.

What does your typical working day look like?

Switching between 3 different laptops for different departments and the company, whether at a customer’s site or working from home. I chat with each of the teams, supporting them in delivering their outputs, and working to remove obstacles and misunderstandings.

When you hit a wall workwise, what do you do to help overcome the hurdle?

After looking at all aspects, I will sleep on it to let my subconscious try to work it out. That often gives me a different insight and helps me work out an approach that might work.

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