SVGC Supporting Military Personnel through Equestrian Sports

by | Mar 23, 2023

At SVGC we’re passionate about supporting our local community, especially in areas that assist military personnel and their families.

Larkhill is acknowledged as a major Community Sporting venue by Wiltshire County Council and the Ministry of Defence, with Larkhill Racecourse hosting seven national level Point to Points and Larkhill Eventing hosting twenty other equestrian competitions and training events. Whilst doing this Larkhill also raises funds for the various charities including the ABF (the Soldiers Charity), SSAFA and the Wiltshire Air Ambulance.

Larkhill Jumps

As an Army organisation Larkhill Eventing aims to give soldiers greater opportunity to be involved with, and benefit from, everything that horses and the wonderful sport of eventing have to offer. Its main effort is to provide free access to this sport for military riders and into military competitions that would otherwise be more expensive, if not cost prohibitive.

To ensure the future and upkeep of this facility Larkhill sought sponsorship to help sustain both courses. We’re pleased to say, SVGC is now heading into the third year as the proud Strategic Sponsor of Larkhill Racecourse and Larkhill Eventing.

Army Equitation Association

Photo: Army Equitation Association

The first year of SVGC’s sponsorship of Larkhill saw the important development of new websites, with the second year supporting the course recover from the constraints of the Covid-19 pandemic as well as vital refurbishments to the Queen’s Building and the Racecourse Judges Box.

However, perhaps the most exciting result of SVGC’s funding for Larkhill Eventing is the build of a major water-jump. SVGC and the Army Equestrian Committee have combined to support this major build, which has been an aspiration for Larkhill Eventing for a decade.

Larkhill judges building

Operating under the auspices of the Royal Artillery Equestrian Committee, Larkhill Eventing is a not-for-profit organization that manages the eventing facility at Larkhill. This facility is run to support the development of equestrian sport within the Army and to provide a focus for equestrian community engagement.

2023 promises to be an exciting year and with equestrian sport at Larkhill having recently been secured for the future, we look forward to supporting the development of this important community venue.

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