Ian McLellan | Interview

by | Oct 13, 2023

Ian McLellan

At SVGC we’re proud to be a small business formed of experienced, highly qualified people operating on a national platform.

Our team collectively has vast knowledge of strategic planning, public sector decisions, innovative technologies, data science and agile working methodologies. Get to know, Ian McLellan, our new Full Stack Software Engineer

What are your ‘must haves’ to start the working day?

I like to keep it pretty simple. Coffee from a De’Longhi coffee machine, view of the Thames from my kitchen window.

What’s your proudest work achievement to date?

Proudest, I’m not sure. It’s always a great feeling when you know your work has made a difference. I was gratified that when I left my last role, and the team members were very appreciative of the help and guidance I’d given them over the years.

What do you love most about what you do?

Learning new things and finding elegant solutions to difficult problems. Things develop so fast in the tech industry that there is always something new to learn, it keeps the brain active.

What does your typical working day look like?

Pre-pandemic, I don’t think there was a typical working day. Now, there’s a lot more structure. I’m a firm believer that you should start every day with a problem that you want to solve, or a task that you want to finish, and make that your goal for the day.

When you hit a wall workwise, what do you do to help overcome the hurdle?

Go for a run along the Thames, Taplow to Cookham and back. Idyllic, with Cliveden on the other bank.

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